Project Description
From $550
This is an exceptional treatment for cosmetic enhancement of the skin with particular application for pre-cancerous lesions, solar keratosis and sun damaged skin. Pre-consultation is required to provide individualized advice and assess suitability.
In the past treatment for sunspots and sun damaged skin has necessitated the use of either painful liquid nitrogen or a myriad of doctor prescribed skin cancer creams which can take anywhere from days to weeks to work with a potential to cause significant side effects and downtime. The revolutionary Daylight PDT is a rapid, safe and ground-breaking treatment for sunspots and large areas of sun damage anywhere on the body.
Areas usually treated by this procedure are the face, scalp, arms and chest. A safe photo activating cream is applied to the damaged areas of skin for 30 minutes. The exposure to the sun cause a chemical reaction which leads to the sun damaged cells being selectively destroyed leaving the normal cells around the area alone. This process of called Photo Rejuvenation.